Why I Do What I Do

From as far back as I can recall, I struggled with intermittent stomach issues that clouded my sense of well-being. It became my unsettling "normal" to endure pain without understanding its origins or finding a solution beyond the passage of time.

As the impact on my daily life intensified over the years, my quest for relief led me through countless emergency room visits and doctor consultations, where my concerns often went unheard. The persistent stomach pain, ulcers, and other health challenges left me feeling increasingly unwell. Determined to unveil the root cause, I explored alternative modalities and exhaustive testing.

 My turning point came when I discovered what I now affectionately refer to as my "magic" doctor. Under their care, I finally experienced relief and a breakthrough in understanding the underlying issues.

 Shortly thereafter, I stumbled upon Dr. Cabral's enlightening podcasts and into the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute (IHP). Dr. Cabral's insights resonated with me, and it became clear that my calling was to not only reclaim my health but also to help others find their path to wellness and be heard in the process. This realization propelled me into my transformative journey with IHP.

Wellness, I believe, is a holistic journey intertwined with multiple components. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. My mission is to ensure you feel heard, identify the root cause of your dis-ease, and embrace a life of vitality.

Embark on this wellness journey with me. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, and together, we can navigate the path to your goals.

Click here to discover how I can help you achieve the positive change you seek.

Certifications & Accreditations 

  • Certified Health Coach & Integrative Health Practitioner, Level 2

  • Board Certified, American Association of Drugless Practitioners Certification

  • Certified Yoga Instructor 

  • Masters in Psychology 

“Empowering everyone to thrive and embrace life at its fullest. My mission is to guide you towards fulfillment, supporting your journey to realize your vision of optimal health.”

- Rachel Seeders